Public transport
Stream 2
Thursday, March 22, 2018 |
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM |
G2 - Millennium |
Mr Ian Clark
Flow Transportation Specialists
Constructing the City Rail Link
1:30 PM - 1:45 PMBiography
Ian Clark is a director of Flow Transportation Specialists, while Andrew Mein is a Senior Associate, also with Flow. Both are very experienced transport planners, based in Auckland.
Ian had significant involvement in the planning phase of the City Rail Link, while Andrew has had experience in the implementation phase, during the construction of the project
Mr Andrew Mein
Senior Associate
Flow Transportation Specialists
Co-presenting Constructing the City Rail Link
1:30 PM - 1:45 PMBiography
Mr James Tinnion-Morgan
Principal Transport Planner
Tonkin + Taylor
Rapid Transit alternatives to improve accessibility
1:45 PM - 2:00 PMBiography
I have over 27 years’ experience in a wide variety of Transport Planning and Engineering projects, both in Asia Pacific and Europe and have been extensively involved in the delivery of transport solutions; providing specialist advice for public transport integration, transport masterplanning; strategic transport scheme evaluation / feasibility study development and detailed design and implementation. For the last 6 years I have most recently been living and working in Da Nang, Vietnam, and my focus has been on the delivery of transportation planning and feasibility / detailed design projects for the implementation and operation of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems throughout Vietnam. I have delivered as the team leader and BRT Advisor/Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Specialist for the Da Nang BRT Feasibility and Detailed Design Projects (Da Nang Government), Hanoi BRT Detailed Design ITS and BRT Specialist to the Hanoi Government, Ho Chi Minh City BRT Feasibility Design ITS and BRT Specialist to the World Bank (direct appointment).
Mr Tim Cuthbert
Integrated Transport Planning Manager
WSP-Opus New Zealand
Pathways to Future Mass Transit
2:00 PM - 2:15 PMBiography
Tim has some 30 years experience in the field of transport and currently leads WSP's Integrated Transport Planning team in New Zealand. His technical expertise lies in urban transit planning, city centre access strategies, active transport and planning for development. He is an independent thinker with an international outlook having worked in a variety of locations across the world. A familiar face on the NZ Conference scene, his was awarded the AA prize for Best Paper at the IPENZ Conference in 2016.
Stuart Donovan
Principal Consultant
Veitch Lister Consulting
Justice test for public transport investments
2:15 PM - 2:35 PMBiography
Stuart is an engineer and economist with ten years' experience working in New Zealand and Australia, primarily in the fields of transport and energy. Currently employed as Principal Consultant in Veitch Lister Consulting's Brisbane office, Stuart's work focuses on issues of strategic policy, economic analysis, and public transport infrastructure and service planning.
2:35 PM - 3:00 PMBiography
Time to pose questions to all presenters in this session.