Poster rapid fires followed by poster viewing
Thursday, March 22, 2018 |
11:35 AM - 12:30 PM |
Mrs Joanna Gascoigne
Senior Researcher
Community Street Reviews, A Public Approach
11:35 AM - 11:37 AMBiography
Joanna is a Senior Researcher at TDG since November 2016. She has been working alongside her colleague Bridget Burdett in facilitating Community Street Reviews in several Auckland suburbs. Prior to this, Joanna and Bridget have worked with the local community carrying out Community Street Reviews in Hamilton.
Mr Rahul Kumar
Transportation Engineer
Abley Transportation Consultants
Streamlining Pedestrian Infrastructure Planning
11:37 AM - 11:39 AMBiography
Rahul Kumar is a graduate Transportation Engineer at Abley Transportation Consultants. He has experience in assessing transportation facilities for compliance for governing bodies, and using spatial data in solving road safety transportation problems. His main ambition is to develop new methodologies and tools to help road controlling authorities make investment related decisions, more efficient.
Mr Stuart McDougall
Principal Transport Planner
Resolve Group Ltd
Are steep downhill on-ramps safe?
11:39 AM - 11:41 AMBiography
An experienced Roading Engineer and Transport Planner with local authorities in the UK and New Zealand, Stuart has been employed as both a Principal Engineer and a Principal Transport Planner, managing budgets of up to $1,000,000. In New Zealand, he project managed the Auckland Regional Arterial Road Plan, which the Royal Commission considered a blueprint for roading, and supervised the production of the Regional Road Safety Plan. He has been Senior Transport Planner with Resolve Group for the past two years, leading work on Business Case Development, Project Management and Transport Solutions.
Mr Ali Syed
Service Line Coordinator (AUS, NZ, Uk, ME) - Transport Modelling
Traffic Modelling Applications Then, Now, Tomorrow
11:41 AM - 11:43 AMBiography
Ali is a Lead Modeller and has been involved in transport planning, modelling and engineering projects both locally and internationally. During Ali’s 12 year career within the public and private sector, he trained and practices in transport industry with expertise in meso and microsimulation modelling and data processing.
Ali is skilled in the use of AIMSUN, VISUM/VISSIM, SATURN and SIDRA modelling software packages developed throughout his career in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Ali is driven and committed to managing and delivering on time and to a high standard that successfully meets the required project outcomes and client expectations. In previous roles, Ali has demonstrated the ability to provide a balance between engineering design, planning, and modelling to create appropriate solutions. He has proven record of translating traffic datasets into a strategic traffic planning.
Ali also regularly undertakes project lead/coordinator roles across both transport planning and modelling projects and has a track record in maintaining successful delivery of projects from inception through to completion.
Dr. Kun Xie
University of Canterbury
Analysis of Pedestrian Safety Using Big Data
11:43 AM - 11:45 AMBiography
Dr. Kun Xie is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Civil & Natural Resources Engineering at University of Canterbury. He holds a Ph.D. degree (2016) in Transportation Planning & Engineering from NYU, a Master Degree (2012) in Transportation Planning & Management and a Bachelor Degree (2009) in Transportation Engineering and from Tongji University. His research areas include transportation safety, transportation resilience, emergency management, connected vehicles, smart sensing, and urban informatics. He is passionate about using statistical models, machine learning algorithms, simulation and big data technologies to explore innovative solutions to transportation issues. He is a recipient of the prestigious IEEE ITS Best Dissertation Award (2017) and Transportation Research Board (TRB) Best Paper Award (Urban Freight Transportation Committee, 2015).
Karen Peters
University Of Auckland
Roshni Manu Patel
The University Of Auckland/ Jacobs
11:45 AM - 11:47 AMBiography
Mr Ravindu Fernando
Transportation Engineer
Abley Transportation Consultants
Digital Roadside Advertising and Driver Distraction
11:47 AM - 11:49 AMBiography
Ravindu completed his studies at the University of Canterbury in 2015, and graduated with an honours degree in Civil engineering. During his studies, he developed a strong passion for transportation. Ravindu is now employed as a Graduate Transportation Engineer and has gained experience in development planning and also in Public Transport Infrastructure improvement projects. His career began as a Graduate Engineer working for the Passenger Transport Infrastructure team of Auckland Transport before moving to Abley Transportation Consultants in the second half of 2016. Ravindu’s key interests are active transport modes, engineering economics and future development in transportation.
Joe Southey
Stantec New Zealand
NZTA Safety Barrier Workshop Effectiveness
11:49 AM - 11:51 AMBiography
Joe is a Traffic Safety Engineer who has worked on a large number of roadside safety hardware projects for the NZ Transport Agency and other road controlling authorities. His safety hardware expertise involves option analysis and reporting, all stages of design, project management and construction monitoring. He also practises other aspects of transportation engineering, such as safety improvements prioritisation and design, cycleway design and physical works contract management.
Mr Mehmet Ahmet
Principal Transport Planner
Jacobs NZ Ltd
A40 Outcome Delivery Plan-London,UK
11:51 AM - 11:53 AMBiography
Mehmet has specialised in providing transportation and highways advice relating to the development planning process since 2003. Mehmet is a Chartered Transport Planner with an MSc Transport Planning and a background in geography. Mehmet has gained a wide range of experience working for Private sector clients on a range of commissions.
He is a highly accomplished project manager skilled at ensuring that the client’s needs are met, delivering projects of high quality on time and within budget. Mehmet has over 12 years of experience in wide variety of transport related disciplines.
Mehmet had a pivotal role within the A47/A12 Feasibility Study leading the project, client facing and bringing together a variety of specialist disciplines and culminating in a number of Road Investment Strategy schemes being announced in the Autumn Statement.
Mehmet has also been engaged in the Route Strategy work for the East of England identifying and assessing potential intervention for improvements to the Strategic Road Network to inform the 2014 Autumn Statement. Mehmet was also involved in developing a bespoke approach to modelling and economic assessment and delivery of options that achieved high level stakeholder endorsement. Mehmet aligned options with strategic policies and wider Government objectives which involved the development of options to tackle the identified challenges and carry out the initial sifting using the Department’s Early Assessment Sifting Tool (EAST).
Mehmet has extensive transport planning experience in development management working with a number of different highways authorities. He has reviewed a vast number of transport assessments, travel plans and local plan documents. Highly experienced and skilled in range of related disciplines including trip generation and distribution, traffic modelling, road safety, design and construction. He has participated in a number of stakeholder events and public consultations.
Mehmet has experience of large commissions working on complex junction solutions with detailed traffic modelling using a range of specialist programs