Workshop 1: Waka Kotahi, Building a road safety collaborative community
Track 1
Thursday, September 7, 2023 |
1:32 PM - 2:20 PM |
Great Room II and III |
These sessions are for practitioners to workshop with conference attendees on the initiatives and tools that they have been using to address a road safety or sustainability problem. It is an opportunity for you to showcase the work you have been doing and to have open discussions about what is going well and not so well, lessons learned etc. It is an opportunity for others to also share their learnings to build up an increased knowledge in this area for all participants.
Kathy Graham
Principal Advisor – Safe System
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Hine August
Project Coordinator, Whakahaumaru Huarahi Mo Nga Iwi Maori, Road Safety Outcomes With Maori, Tairawhiti
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Building collaboration and partnerships
1:30 PM - 2:20 PMBiography
New to road safety, Hine August is Project Coordinator Tairāwhiti for Waka Kotahi initiative: Whakahaumaru Huarahi mo ngā Iwi Māori: Māori road safety outcomes.
Hine has a long-standing commitment to her marae, hapu, Iwi and community including trusteeship on marae and hapu trusts. Her background in both employed and voluntary work is in office administration, finance, accounting and project coordination.
Mrs Maree Kilkolly
Project Manager Whakahaumaru Huarahi Mō Ngā Iwi Māori (improving Road Safety With Māori)
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency