Session 7: Providing Solutions
Stream 1
Tuesday, May 11, 2021 |
3:50 PM - 5:30 PM |
Aquamarine 1-2, First floor |
Mr Daniel Newcombe
Manager, Strategic Projects
Auckland Transport
Planning for additional Waitemata Harbour connections
3:50 PM - 4:00 PMBiography
Daniel is the Manager of the Strategic Projects: Central Access team in the Strategy division of Auckland Transport. He has been working on the Additional Waitemata Harbour Connection issues for over ten years, and will help lead the public transport improvement initiatives.
Mr Geoff Haines
Principal Transport Planner
Auckland Transport
Planning Auckland's future integrated transport system
4:00 PM - 4:10 PMBiography
Geoff has been a transport planner for over 15 years, with experience in UK, Canada and New Zealand. He has worked in local and central government in policy, strategic planning and project management.
Mr Andrew McGill
Head of Integrated Network Planning
Auckland Transport
Copresenting Planning Auckland's future integrated transport system
4:00 PM - 4:10 PMBiography
Andrew McGill is the Head of Integrated Network Planning at Auckland Transport. This team is responsible for the front end strategic planning of the entire transport system, across all transport modes.
Andrew is a transport planner, programme manager and people leader who has worked in the private and public sectors across Australia and New Zealand from strategic planning, development/implementation and through to transport operations and major events.
Beth Schuck
Modelling the emission impacts of transport
4:10 PM - 4:20 PMBiography
Beth is a current engineering science student at the University of Auckland, and is working in the data science team at MRCagney. She is passionate about finding solutions using data, and having a positive impact in the climate change space. Beth has the primary developer of the Transport2030 model and website.
Prof. Alistair Woodward
Professor Of Epidemiology
University of Auckland
Double-cab utes: causes and consequences
4:20 PM - 4:30 PMBiography
A public health doctor and epidemiologist, I have studied transport and health for more than 20 years, including causes and prevention of road trauma, transport-related air pollution, the risks and benefits of active travel, trials of street changes, the future of the bicycle, and co-benefits of climate policies. I have been an author for the last four IPCC assessment reports, and led the health and climate change chapter for AR5.
Mr Phil Harrison
Technical Director
Is engouragement enough?
4:30 PM - 4:40 PMBiography
Phil has over 30 years experience shaping transport in cities around the world including 15 years in London. Recently he led the Road Safety Programme Business Case for Auckland Transport and is leading one of the consortia progressing the Connected Communities project for Auckland Transport. His interest in road pricing stems from completing a project into the feasibility of Bus and Toll (BAT) lanes in London.
Mr Werner Pretorius
Principal Transport Planner
TOD Decision support tool
4:40 PM - 4:50 PMBiography
Werner is a Principal Transport Planner with AECOM NZ. He helps city planners, policymakers, investors and decision-makers orchestrate the future of transport. He uses his expertise to diagnose city-wide problems and develop treatments to deliver better outcomes. Which often translate to infrastructure advisory, transport system design or developing policies to foster liveable cities.
He is a chartered civil engineer and transport planner by training with 10 years of sound professional experience in Transport System Planning, Developing Complex Data Solutions, Strategic Planning & Transport Modelling, Business Case Development, Cross-Sector Planning, Traffic Engineering, Integrated Land Use & Transport Planning, and Transit-Oriented Development.
He has worked as Lead/Senior Consultant on various high profile projects, working with a variety of public and private sector clients in Africa, Europe and New Zealand. Notable projects are Heathrow Expansion, City Rail Link, Supporting Growth Alliance, East West Rail (Cambridge to Oxford), Highways England Major Projects, Quietway Cycling (TfL) and MyCiti Transit System.
Ms Jo Draper
Associate Transportation Planner
How does micromobility impact active modes?
4:50 PM - 5:00 PMBiography
Jo was born in New Zealand but grew up and studied mostly in the UK. She gained an honours degree in geography at the University of Bristol after which she worked for seven years in Reading and Bristol as consultant Transport Planner. She worked on large residential development consents for private sector clients as well as supporting public sector clients with their district planning. She formalised her skills, by picking up a Master’s degree in Transport Planning at the University of Leeds.
After a year travelling the world, she returned to New Zealand to live and work in 2010. Settling in Wellington, Jo worked for Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency for 8 years leading the investigation stages of major transportation projects, including the Ōtaki to North of Levin Expressway, SH58 upgrades and the Petone to Grenada Link Road, using project management smarts and engagement with stakeholders to get results. She is proud to have shepherded the Waterfall Road project from conception to construction completion within 12 months – it can be done!
Since 2017 Jo has been working for Abley in Auckland leading a team of dedicated professionals.
Mr Benjamin Walch
Senior Transportation Planner
Co-presenting How does Micromobility impact Active Modes?
4:50 PM - 5:00 PMBiography
Benjamin is a Senior Transportation Planner and Sustainability Practitioner at Abley.
He provides analysis for transport strategies, international literature reviews, and research pieces, with a focus on walking, cycling, and micro-mobility (e.g. e-scooters). He has also successfully helped clients obtain government funding through his business case writing skills. His passion for the environment has seen him develop expertise in measuring and forecasting transportation carbon emissions.
Benjamin has Master’s degrees in Political Science from Sciences Po Rennes (France) and in Regional & Urban Planning from the London School of Economics (UK). This education gave him an ability to grasp how cities and regions function on a social, economic, and political level.
He was a transport Planner in the UK working for a coalition of five west London Boroughs. There, he helped companies and developers promote alternatives to car use (active travel, public transport). He also delivered cycle parking infrastructure projects on residential roads and managed a behaviour change cycling programme and on a university campus.
Benjamin brings a unique combination of public sector and start-up experience to the Abley team. He founded an early stage parking start-up in London and joined Lime’s operations in Melbourne and Auckland, handling both deployment/retrieval and repairs of the e-scooters.
What Benjamin loves is a beautiful streetscape where people walk, cycle, and scoot safely around each other, and stop to enjoy the atmosphere. He believes in a future with climate-resilient communities and without the need for fossil fuels.
Questions & answers
Questions & answers 7
5:00 PM - 5:30 PMBiography
Neelima Ghanta
Principal Transport Planner
Stantec New Zealand
Session chair
David Matthews
Project Director