Session 2: Shaping Choices
Stream 2
Track 3
Monday, May 10, 2021 |
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM |
Aquamarine 3, First floor |
Mr Matt Ensor
Business Director - Advisory
Micromobility’s contribution to emissions reduction
1:30 PM - 1:45 PMBiography
Matt is a global expert on the growth in the use of micromobility (e.g. e-bikes, e-scooters) and the research leader for Waka Kotahi's research programme TAR 18/12 which examined the potential mode shift to e-bikes and e-scooters.
Matt is an NZ leader in the application of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) branch of Artificial Intelligence and is Business Director for engagement, an artificial intelligence public engagement tool.
Matt’s formal qualifications are in civil engineering & social science and he started his consulting career at Beca in 1989. In 2011 he was awarded a Prime Minister’s Business Scholarship and studied at INSEAD Business School in France. Since 2013 he has been Business Director – Advisory at Beca.
Mr Jerry Khoo
Senior Associate - Transportation
Active modes, supercharging health
1:45 PM - 2:00 PMBiography
Jerry Khoo has over 14 years experience in transport planning, economics, financial analysis, transportation engineering, business advisory and management consulting. He has worked in New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Fiji, Samoa, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Japan, China and a number of other countries in the Asia Pacific. Most recently, Jerry has assisted Waka Kotahi in their Investment Decision Making Review (IDMF) project, including review of the active modes health benefit framework, NLTP prioritisation framework and indicative efficiency rating tool. Outside work, Jerry enjoys road cycling, ocean swimming and just spending time with his two young toddlers, and sees it highly important to leave such a beautiful world for future generaitons to enjoy.
Ms Ayesha Weerappulige
Transportation Engineer
Co-presenting: Active modes, supercharging health
1:45 PM - 2:00 PMBiography
Ayesha Weerappulige is in her 2nd year working as a graduate transportation engineer in Beca. She is passionate about bringing sustainabile outcomes to transport projects. Outside of work, she likes to explore the great outdoors, travelling (if possible), beach-going and netball.
Dr Anja Mizdrak
University of Otago Wellington
Modelling health co-benefits of decarbonisation
2:00 PM - 2:15 PMBiography
Dr Anja Mizdrak is a public health researcher who specialises in quantitative modelling. Her work has covered multiple topics including alcohol, transport, physical activity, COVID-19, and nutrition. Anja is interested in the role of modelling in public health policy and practice, and the wider societal impacts of health behaviours and interventions, such as impacts on inequities and the environment.
Ms Subha Nair
Transport Planner
Transit accessibility study
2:15 PM - 2:30 PMBiography
Subha is a Transportation Engineer with AECOM New Zealand. She has worked in the field of Transportation Planning/ Modelling for the past 4 years. She began her career in AECOM, UAE and moved to New Zealand in 2019.
Subha has worked on various strategic macro/micro simulation modelling projects and transport assessment studies in her career. She has been a part of the City Rail Link and Te Tupu Ngātahi (Supporting Growth) projects in Auckland. She is a competent GIS Analyst and is a Data analytics & visualisation enthusiast.
Mr Cleve Cameron
Big Street Bikers
Culture shift for carbon zero transport
2:30 PM - 2:45 PMBiography
Cleve is the Co-Founder of Big Street Bikers and former internationally awarded Executive Creative Director — creating global brand campaigns for the likes of Ford Motor Company and Coca Cola.
In June this 2020 Big Street Bikers launched the Locky Dock Network in Christchurch — installing world leading intelligent infrastructure to enable mode-shift to healthy transport. The Locky Dock Network is rolling out nationwide with partners Mercury, Waka Kotahi, and Tauhara North.
Questions & answers
Questions & answers 2
2:45 PM - 3:00 PMBiography
Twan Van Duivenbooden
Principal Specialist - Active & Shared Modes
Auckland Transport
Session chair
Ellie Craft
Sustainable Mobility Engineer