Wednesday PM: Taha Whānau Social Wellbeing 2
Track 4
Wednesday, March 29, 2023 |
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM |
Pool House I and II |
Karishma Kumar
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
What next for implementation?
3:00 PM - 3:15 PM-
Karishma has over 6 years of experience in the transport planning industry. Before working for Christchurch City Council she was based in the UK, London. Karishma's interests and skills lie in strategic transport policy and advice and urban planning.
Mr Craig Richards
Technical Director
Co-presenting: From Hui to Do-ey in the Western Bay
3:15 PM - 3:30 PM-
Craig is a technical director in the transport advisory team at Beca. Craig worked with the SmartGrowth partnership in developing both UFTI and the Transport System Plan.
Alistair Talbot is the Team Leader of Transport Strategy & Planning at Tauranga City Council and also contributed significantly to both UFTI and the TSP.
Mrs Sarah Dove
Principal Strategic Transport Planner
Tauranga City Council
Mr Colin Shields
Senior Principal Transport Planner
Tonkin + Taylor
The Wellington commuter parking levy
3:30 PM - 3:45 PM-
Colin has 33 years Transport Engineering/Planning experience working in New Zealand and internationally, managing the design and delivery of a wide range of transport projects and providing transport planning inputs to major mixed-use land development projects. His work has involved both leading and working within multi discipline teams and working collaboratively with key stakeholders, politicians and members of the public as well as leading the delivery of a wide range of walking and cycling, rail, bus, roading, ITS and public realm capital projects. Project values typically range from <$1m to $410m. Colin’s role involves project design and appraisal from feasibility/concept stage through to detailed design and site supervision, transport lead on a wide range of mixed-use land development projects including the largest ever planning consent in the UK ($11 billion) and a new city in Saudi Arabia. Colin’s role involves due diligence, master planning, obtaining Planning/Resource Consent (including appearing as an expert witness at Appeals/Inquiries) through to detailed design and site supervision, leading on developing successful business cases for a wide range of transport projects from $2m to $410m and leading on developing a wide range of transport strategy and research projects.
Mrs Rebecca Dawkins
Team Leader Capital Projects
Nelson City Council
Nelson South Innovating Streets
3:45 PM - 4:00 PM-
Rebecca is a team leader for Nelson City Council Capital Projects and manages a team of engineers delivering transport projects in Nelson. She has over 25 years experience in transport engineering in Nelson and the wider area. She has a passion for micro mobility and making the streets safer for cycling and walking. As an avid mountain biker and someone who commutes daily by bike she understand the struggles to share the road with vehicles and is always look for ways to improve Nelson’s transport network using the latest designs and innovation.
Ruby Kim
Senior Transportation Engineer
Harrison Grierson
Co-presenting: The Piritahi Alliance
4:00 PM - 4:15 PM-
Ruby is a Senior Transportation Engineer specialising in Development Planning and Road Safety at Harrison Grierson.
Harrison Grierson are a design partner of the Piritahi Alliance, which is an alliance formed by Kāinga Ora to expedite the supply of build-ready land for a major government programme to increase the supply of new homes in Auckland.
Ruby's role involves collaborating with Kāinga Ora and Auckland Council Controlled Organisations on the delivery of transport infrastructure with a focus on ‘caring for the people’ through universal design and works closely with respective communities to achieve a great outcome.
Mr Jan Franta
Transportation Lead
Harrison Grierson
Co-presenting: The Piritahi Alliance
4:00 PM - 4:15 PM-
Jan is the Transportation Team Leader at Harrison Grierson. He gained experience with transportation and land development projects in New Zealand, the UK, several EU countries, and the Middle East. He brings a combination of in-depth transport planning, transportation engineering and civil design skills which allow him to approach projects in a comprehensive manner. Jan’s specialization in New Zealand includes project to deliver better road safety, improved accessibility by sustainable modes of travel such as public transport and active modes and support efficient land use. Lately, Jan has been involved with the Piritahi Alliance as the Transport Team Lead. Piritahi’s purpose is to supply build-ready land for a major government programme to support the construction of new homes in Auckland and involves the largest brown-field redevelopment projects ever undertaken in New Zealand. The Transport team are responsible for providing necessary assessments and designs for the transport infrastructure needed to support this growth in a way that is sustainable and universally accessible.
Question & Answer
Wednesday PM: Taha Whānau Social Wellbeing 2 Q&A
4:15 PM - 4:30 PM-
Session Chair
Bridget Doran
Principal Researcher