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Wednesday PM: Taha Whānau Social Wellbeing

Track 1
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Trinity Room I


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Pim Van Den Top
Transport Planner

Co-presenting: Creating well-functioning urban environments around stations

3:30 PM - 3:45 PM


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Dr Doug Wilson
Associate Professor & Director Of Transportation Research Centre
University of Auckland

Mobility as a Service, Half Moon Bay, Auckland

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM


Final presentation


Dr Douglas Wilson is the Director of the Transportation Engineering Laboratories in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Auckland, New Zealand and Science Leader on the MBIE Leveraging Aggregate Resources project. Current responsibilities include lecturing and supervising research in Highway Design and Construction, Pavement s and Materials, Road Safety Engineering, Skid Resistance and Surface Characteristics, Transport mobility futures, Transport sustainability, recycling and Traffic Engineering both at the undergraduate and graduate level. Doug is a founding member of the Transportation Research Centre (TRC) in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Auckland and represents Faculty on the Board of the Public Policy Institute. He was seconded to the Ministry of Transport as a Strategy Director in 2014 and has over 15 years industry consulting experience whilst working for private engineering consultants, local and central government engineering agencies and over 20 years lecturing experience at The University of Auckland and prior organisations.
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Dr Lorelei Schmitt
Principal Multi-modal Advisor
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

Public Transport Design Guidance: Getting to and from public transport

3:15 PM - 3:30 PM


Final presentation


Dr Lorelei Schmitt is a Principal Multi-Modal Advisor at Waka Kotahi. There she leads a project to develop public transport design guidance for New Zealand and provides specialist multi-modal advice for a range of projects across New Zealand, notably, related to public transport design and travel demand management. She has a diverse background in transport planning and engineering, urban planning and psychology. Lorelei has worked in government, consulting and academia.
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Mr Jacques Maitland

Creating well-functioning urban environments around stations

3:30 PM - 3:45 PM


Final presentation


Jacques Maitland Jacques is a transport planner residing in Tāmaki Makaurau. He has just started his career journey at AECOM as a graduate transport planner after 5 years of study in the urbanism space. For as long as he can remember Jacques has had a curiosity about cities, design and how societies function. One of his earliest memories is setting up VCRs on his bedroom floor in the shape of cities and placing match-box cars around them. As Jacques grew older, he quickly realised a career in urbanism was well suited for his interests and skills. Having recently completed a Master of Urban Design, Jacques has quickly developed a strong interest in how we can better integrate transport and land use development. These two professions can easily become siloed from one another, but to truly realise the city we desire it is pertinent we facilitate collaboration across the urbanism disciplines.
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Mr Reza Khorasani
Technical Team Lead, Transportation
Harrison Grierson

The bus performance indicators role in business cases

3:45 PM - 4:00 PM


Final presentation


Reza has more than 14 years of industrial and academic experience working on transportation, road safety, land development, and public transport projects in New Zealand, Iran, and Malaysia. Reza is currently completing his PhD in transportation engineering at the University of Canterbury, where he has utilized analytical and modelling techniques to examine how various sources of variation impact bus service performance. His research has explored both microscopic and macroscopic approaches to modelling bus service. In addition to his academic pursuits, Reza has been involved in a diverse array of land development projects throughout New Zealand, rangingd from large retail developments to complex multi-use projects. Since 2018, he has served as a resource consent application reviewer on behalf of Auckland Council, evaluating proposals related to digital billboards, hospitals, large-scale retail, and residential land uses. He managed the Auckland Transport Speed Limit Review for the Franklin West and Rodney East and Southwest packages and contributed to speed limit reviews for state highways in both the North and South Islands as part of the Waka Kotahi NZTA Safe Network Programme.
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Mr Ben Frost
Associate - Urban Mobility

Co-presenting: Streets for people - Cambridge

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM


Final presentation


Ben is a walking and cycling Specialist with 15 years professional experience. Over this time, he has specialised in network planning and design of cycling infrastructure as well as broad scale landscape planning. He has worked on numerous cycleway projects for Auckland Transport, including a period engaged as a Senior Walking and Cycling Specialist for Auckland Transport (2016 – 2017). Ben brings a vast degree of experience from working across numerous transport infrastructure projects for both private and public sectors at a programme level, business case, concept design, and detailed design stages.
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Mr Bryan Hudson
Transportation Manager
Waipa District Coucil

Co-presenting: Streets for people - Cambridge

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM

Final presentation


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Question & Answer

Wednesday PM: Taha Whānau Social Wellbeing Q&A

4:15 PM - 4:30 PM


Session Chair

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Glen Koorey
