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Friday Roundtable discussion/panel

Friday, March 31, 2023
2:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Trinity Rooms I, II & III


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Dr Bridget Doran
Principal Researcher

Roundtable Discussion


Bridget is a Principal Researcher at MRCagney, based in Hamilton. She works on transport research, policy, and practice for a variety of government, university, and private sector clients around New Zealand. Bridget is a Chartered Engineer in transport with a doctorate in cognitive psychology, and is Chair of Engineering New Zealand's Transportation Group. Bridget regularly presents on inclusive access and road safety to audiences of transport professionals and community, with a focus on challenging us all to think about what ‘best practice’ means for the people we work with, and those we serve.
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Prof. Graham Currie
Professor of Public Transport
Monash University

Roundtable Discussion


Prof Currie is a transport research leader/ policy advisor and Directs the Public Transport Research Group (PTRG) at Monash University Australia. In 2015 PTRG was identified as one of the top 3 research groups in the world in this area by an independent European review. Graham has published more research papers in leading peer journals in this field than any other researcher. For the last 7 years he has chaired the Light Rail Transit Committee at US Transportation Research Board. He is also a member of the Singapore LTA Research Advisory Board and the Swedish Centre for Research on Public Transport international advisory board. He has won numerous research prizes including best research paper; 14th World Conference on Transport Research in Shanghai, he has won the William W Millar prize for best research paper in public transit at the US TRB conference twice, the only person ever to do so. In 2020 he was presented with the Transport Medal for outstanding contributions to transport by Engineers Australia. Professor Currie has led many transport research projects in all major cities in New Zealand and has been a peer reviewer for numerous NZTA projects in New Zealand over the last 2 decades.
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Kathryn King
Urban Mobility Manager
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

Roundtable Discussion


Kathryn King is the Urban Mobility Manager at Waka Kotahi, where she works to make Aotearoa’s towns and cities more people-friendly so that everyone, regardless of where they live, can travel in ways that are good for their health and the planet. Her programmes include Streets for People and Transport Choices, which are opening up streets across the country. She joined Waka Kotahi following four years with Auckland Transport where she oversaw the city's largest ever investment in cycling. Kathryn spent 15 years in London, managing walking, cycling and safety projects, over eight of them with the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, where she delivered several award winning schemes.
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Buddy Mikaere
Pukehinahina Charitable Trust

Roundtable Discussion


Buddy Mikaere is a professional historian by qualification and specialises in Maori consultation and associated activities. For over twenty-five years he has facilitated Maori consultation for many development projects working closely with government departments, local government, large corporate companies, iwi entities and private clients. Buddy will be at the conference providing Māori tikanga with valued karakia and korero.