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Wednesday PM: Taha Wairua Spiritual Wellbeing – Personal Beliefs

Track 2
Track 3
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Trinity Room II & III


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Mr Liam Bramley
Transportation Engineer

How planning supports density and transport equity

3:00 PM - 3:08 PM

Final paper



Liam joined Abley as a graduate transportation engineer at the start of 2021, after completing a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) in Civil Engineering at the University of Auckland. Since joining Abley, Liam has gained broad experience in traffic engineering and transportation planning. He has a keen interest in enabling friendly, equitable transport.
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Miss Gemma Dioni
Senior Transportation Engineer
Christchurch City Council

Shaping places for children with autism spectrum disorder

3:08 PM - 3:16 PM

Final paper



Gemma is passionate about people-centric design and how we shape place and space within our urban environments, to ensure communities are healthy and liveable, resilient, and are well connected by multi-modal transport where people can move around safely and efficiently. Working as a Senior Transportation Engineer at Christchurch City Council, Gemma specializes in planning and designing for active modes and public transport movements and has a key interest in safe streets and places. Her design experience includes all forms of streetscape and intersection design including roundabouts and traffic signals for intersection upgrades and safety improvements. She had a leading role in promoting safe outcomes for all road users on the network by incorporating Safe System thinking through planning and design. Gemma is the current Chair of the Transport Planning Society Aotearoa New Zealand.
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Mr Scott Ebbett

Managing the kerbside to benefit everyone

3:16 PM - 3:24 PM



Scott has extensive experience in developing parking and kerbside management strategies for different towns and cities across New Zealand. Scott works with clients to explain how unlocking the kerb can be a critical part of making cities more equitable and help to achieve goals such as transport mode shift, reducing emissions and creating vibrant centres.
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Mr Ben Frost
Associate - Urban Mobility

Separation Anxiety

3:24 PM - 3:32 PM


Final presentation


Ben is a walking and cycling Specialist with 15 years professional experience. Over this time, he has specialised in network planning and design of cycling infrastructure as well as broad scale landscape planning. He has worked on numerous cycleway projects for Auckland Transport, including a period engaged as a Senior Walking and Cycling Specialist for Auckland Transport (2016 – 2017). Ben brings a vast degree of experience from working across numerous transport infrastructure projects for both private and public sectors at a programme level, business case, concept design, and detailed design stages.
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Justine Wilton
Senior Traffic And Safety Engineer

Wairakei Reserve - connecting a community

3:32 PM - 3:40 PM



Justine is a Papamoa local with family history in the area going back to the 1800s. She grew up mostly in Taupo, aside for a stint in Rarotonga and Aussie, to outdoorsy parents who were originally from Kapiti. Sport has been a big part of Justine's life and her children have followed suit, taking up multiple sports and all the travel that entails. Transport Design and Safety was a career path sparked by a fatal car crash during high school that killed a friend. Most of Justine's career has been working on behalf of Road Controlling Authorities on Network Management contracts. Justine currently works on the local One Network Maintenance contract in the Head Contractor role for WSP.
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Miss Kaylie Bramley
Transport Planner

Co-presenting: Can driving be more sustainable than the train?

3:40 PM - 3:48 PM



Kaylie is a transport planner with over 5 years’ experience in multi-disciplinary transportation projects, helping to deliver business cases and providing transport planning inputs into projects of varying scales. Kaylie has a background in urban planning, which has helped to shape the way she approaches her work, and her passion for a more sustainable transport future.
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Jack Jiang
Technical Principal

Co-presenting: Can driving be more sustainable than the train?

3:40 PM - 3:48 PM


Jack is an Active Mode Specialist with 12 years’ experience, and has successfully led multiple high profile active mode projects across New Zealand. Jack originally trained as an architect and takes a holistic view of his specialist role. He links urban design, behaviour change, transport planning and civil design to deliver a recommendation that looks at the project as a “whole”, with a clear understanding of where it fits within strategic drivers.
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Mr Jae Morse
Transportation Engineer

The human story: refocusing fatal crash reporting

3:48 PM - 3:56 PM



Jae is a graduate transportation engineer and works in Abley’s Strategy and Planning team – which is focussed on transport strategy and includes modelling, business case development and research. Jae graduated with a BE(Hons) From the University of Canterbury. During his short time at Abley he has already learnt a lot and has been exposed to a broad range of transportation projects across multiple sectors of the business. During the summers at university, Jae worked on multiple different road sites as a site engineer. Jae loves anything sport related. He is a big fan of American Sports, especially NFL. If he’s not watching sport, he’s playing it; Water Polo, Basketball, Cricket, Skiing and anything else. On top of sport, Jae like spending his time outside work exploring the outdoors or getting stuck into a good pub quiz.
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Miss Peri Zee
Head of Mobility
Pollock Consulting Ltd

Two Wheeled Public Transport: A transport equity model

3:56 PM - 4:04 PM


Final presentation


Peri is an urban planner working towards more liveable, inclusive and connected urban environments.
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Ashleigh Ward
Indigenous Design Principal

Incorporating Whare-Tapa-Whā in road safety - Maramataka

4:04 AM - 4:12 PM

Final paper



Ashleigh has a strong connection to Indigenous Design practice, and is an advocate of taking a safe, holistic and value-based approach to design, process, practice and delivery, through a Te Ao Māori lens. Ashleigh is an Indigenous Design Principal and a Registered Landscape Architect at WSP. She has over seven years of practical experience and has worked on a variety of Infrastructural, Urban, Commercial, Community, Housing, Residential, and Education based projects. Ashleigh is proactive in ensuring our Indigenous communities have better recognition, support, safety and a voice, upholding existing partnerships, connections, Mana Motuhake, tikanga and overall well-being. Ashleigh continues to explore better solutions to enable the way our built environments, design and collaboration can give back to te whenua me te tangata through sustainability, mātauranga and innovation.
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Question & Answer

Wednesday PM: Taha Wairua Spiritual Wellbeing – Personal Beliefs Q&A

4:12 PM - 4:30 PM


Session Chair

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Louise Baker
Technical Director
Vitruvius Limited
