Session 8B: Tāngata, Te Rākau Taumata & Te Tauihutanga | People, Place and Identity
Track 2
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 |
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
Waimea |
Jeanette Ward
Technical Director, Transportation Engineering
Abley Limited
Co-presenting: Bridge to better: team work to recreate Bridge Street
11:00 AM - 11:15 AMBiography
Jeanette is a Technical Director at Abley based in the Christchurch office. She works across the transport planning and engineering teams providing technical leadership. She is a Chartered Professional Engineer with 30 years of diverse engineering experience. She has expertise across all modes, understands the people-based approach to design and brings this all together in her projects. Jeanette understands the often-conflicting objectives when designing a street and has the ability to work through these with stakeholders. This has been important for the city/town centre projects she has worked on. One of Jeanette's strengths is the integration of transport and urban design outcomes.
Alan Gray
Landscape Architect
Boffa Miskell
Co-presenting: Bridge to better: team work to recreate Bridge Street
11:00 AM - 11:15 AMBiography
Alan Gray is a Principal Landscape Architect with Boffa Miskell. A graduate of Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design, Alan has over 30 years professional experience in the U.S. and Aotearoa in corporate consultancy and in local government (Panuku Waterfront Auckland, Auckland Council’s Design Office, and Nelson City Council).
Recent experience was leading the development of Nelson’s 30-year central city vision, Te Ara ō Whakatū – the Pathway for Nelson, adopted in 2021 with 80% public support. The people-focused, place-based outcomes behind the plan’s 8 Actions are emphasised by living, greening, play, links, business precincts, and celebrating Whakatu’s unique cultural identity.
Dr Timothy Welch
Senior Lecturer
University of Auckland
Innovative Pilot Projects: The Glen Eden Micromobility Hub Network
11:15 AM - 11:30 AMBiography
Dr Timothy Welch is a senior lecturer, head of the Department of Urban Planning and Co-Director of the Future Cities Research Hub in the Faculty of Creative Arts and Industries at the University of Auckland. He has extensive experience in transportation, infrastructure, and urban modelling and is passionate about creating more equitable and sustainable cities. His work focuses on real-world problems and the application of research to create positive change in cities and communities.
Mark Read
Manager Transport Services
Horizons Regional Council
Delivering improved public transport to provincial New Zealand
11:30 AM - 11:45 AMBiography
Mark Read is Transport Manager at Horizons Regional Council having. Before this he’d done a full tour of client organisations having worked for Waka Kotahi, engineering consultancy Beca and Palmerston North City Council. A civil engineer by trade, Mark thinks he was probably successful for his current role because he actually catches the bus in car dominated Palmerston North. Mark has been key in the delivery of service improvements across the Horizons region in Feilding, Whanganui and Palmerston North. With Palmerston North becoming the first New Zealand city with a fully electric bus fleet from March 2024.
Questions & Answers
Session 8B: Q&A
11:45 AM - 12:00 PMBiography
Session Chair
John Lieswyn
Principal Transportation Planner
Transportation Group Chair