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Thank you for your interest in sponsoring Transportation 2024. The contribution of sponsors is critical and we value your input greatly.

Below you can view a list of available packages. If you have not already set up a user account for Transportation 2024 and are interested in booking a package, please click Create New Account.

Please note: If you’ve attended one of our events in the past you still need to create a new contact.

If you already have a user account and would like to view or modify your booking, please sign in to your existing booking below using your account email address and password.

If you have forgotten your password, please reset it on the following site: Forgot password?
Please note this reset button only works if you’ve already completed the setup of your user account.

If you have any questions regarding your sponsorship or use of this portal, please contact our events team: glenda@hardingconferences.co.nz
or call 03 352 5598.

Available sponsorship packages

New Account

Create New Account

Existing Account
