Poster presentations followed by poster viewing
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Monday, March 18, 2024 |
12:15 PM - 12:45 PM |
Tāwhirimātea C & E |
Prof. Sandra Mandic
Team Leader Transport Strategy
Wellington City Council
Poster 1: Commuters’ transport mode(s), reasons and preferences differ by home-to-work distance
12:15 PM - 12:16 PMBiography
Sandra Mandic, PhD, PMP is the Team Leader Transport Strategy at Wellington City Council. She is also an Adjunct Professor at Auckland University of Technology, the founder and the lead researcher on the award-winning Built Environment and Active Transport to School (BEATS) Research Programme and the founder and the director of the research consultancy AGILE Research Ltd. Sandra’s personal and professional experience span nine cities across five countries and three continents - including Europe, Canada, United States and New Zealand. She is passionate about transport, health, research, innovation, project management, and building bridges between people, sectors and cultures. Sandra is the creator of Compass Guide Research Training Resources and author of three Compass Guide e-books linking research and project management.
Mr Ross McNeill
Senior Engineer
Poster 2: Who goes first? What’s changed in the UK?
12:16 PM - 12:17 PMBiography
Ross has recently joined Consultant's Beca in Auckland after nearly a decade of delivering walking and cycle routes in the United Kingdom. He is passionate about delivering great active travel infrastructure and about leaving better towns, cities and transport options to future generations.
Mrs Claire Graham
Poster 3: The Inclusive Cycling Game
12:17 PM - 12:18 PMBiography
Claire has been working in the field of urban design and landscape architecture for twelve years, with the last five years focused on infrastructure design for active modes. She is passionate about the role well designed infrastructure in our streets can play, to provide transport choices and create cities where everyone feels included, safe and welcomed. She has expertise in streetscape design, intersection layout and operation, and universal access.
Marita is a landscape architect with a decade’s worth of experience in design planning, urban design, masterplanning, and public realm design. Marita works on urban design and transport strategy projects at MRCagney. She is interested in mode shift, sustainable transport, and the way good places can have a positive effect on people and communities.
Peter Jones
Project Development Manager
Wellington City Council
Poster 4: Traffic signals for bikes
12:18 PM - 12:19 PMBiography
Peter has spent nearly a decade in the pursuit of creating low-carbon and sustainable systems in both not-for-profit and local government roles. As a Project Development Manager at Wellington City Council, Peter is leading several street transformation projects that contribute to safe, accessible and low-carbon transport outcomes. His experience spans across the UK and New Zealand, and is passionate about all things mode shift, low carbon, inclusive and forward-thinking for people and planet.
Mr Richard Young
Managing Director
Poster 5: #DING DING# - All aboard the Kāpiti schools’ bike bus
12:19 PM - 12:20 PMBiography
Richard Young has over four decades of experience in the delivery of major infrastructure around the world. He previously led the delivery of the Waikato Expressway for Waka Kotahi. He has a broad technical knowledge of highways and infrastructure, and master’s degrees in both geotechnics and business. He brings pragmatic real-world experience and commercial rigour to deliver evidence-based analysis. His SmartSense business provides traffic, multimodal and people movement analytics, and he has the tools and skills to enable actionable decisions to be made from large complex volumes of data.
As a Chartered Civil Engineer, Richard is committed to provide trusted impartial advice to decision makers on how to build more sustainable, resilient infrastructure. With climate change and other unprecedented challenges facing society Richard is committed to work with the best and brightest engineering minds to find innovative solutions to those challenges.
Mrs Cara Phillips
Senior Transport Engineer - Walking & Cycling
Tauranga City Council
Poster 6: Innovative bike parking in Tauranga
12:20 PM - 12:21 PMBiography
I am a Senior Transport Engineer in the Walking & Cycling team at TCC. My role as an Subject Matter Expert involves reviewing designs to ensure active transport is well catered for, improving bike parking facilities, and supporting the rollout of the Accessible Streets programme.
Mr Isaac Velasco
Principal Urban Design Advisor
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi
Poster 7: A pathway to creating healthy streets
12:21 PM - 12:22 PMBiography
Isaac Velasco is a Principal Urban Design Advisor at NZ Transport Agency / Waka Kotahi. As urban design advisor Isaac leads the integration of Environmental and Sustainability policy, and built environment advice, to make the transport system respond to people’s needs. Isaac’s focus is currently supporting the national implementation of the Aotearoa Urban Street Planning and Design Guide alongside his subject matter role. Isaac also has a research background and is passionate about the integration of science-based data, urban form, urban scale and built environment analysis. He supports this passion in his role through collaboration with partners with the aim of achieving healthier streets through urban design in NZ.
Alex Dyer
Cycle Wellington
Poster 8: People participating in picnics in parks
12:22 PM - 12:23 PMBiography
Alex rides all over Pōneke on a yellow bakfiets "Bullitt" cargo bike for a majority of journeys and usually has some music playing. He is not a cyclist. But he does like also using bikes for recreational activities some times.
Darcy is a local Wellington bicycle mechanic, maker, entrepreneur, and design student. He's passionate about creating safer, more equitable streets and cities, and uses his wide range of skills to work toward this goal every day. When not fixing bikes and picnicing in parks, Darcy can be found scheming in his workshop, out on a run, or socially enjoying a packet of black licorice.
Dr Stephen Wood
Former Board Member
CAN Spokes Canterbury
Poster 9: Why don’t more people cycle?
12:23 PM - 12:24 PMBiography
Being a university student in Ōtautahi Christchurch cemented a passion for cycling that has endured through a career in science research, running a boarding kennels and cattery, a decade as a volunteer firefighter and medical first responder, and work in transport and logistics. Much of my time has been spent in rural areas, but I have recently returned to Ōtautahi Christchurch and got involved as a ride leader in a social riding group “Wednesday Wheelies”.
Poster Viewing
Poster Viewing
12:24 PM - 12:30 PMBiography
View and engage with the authors of the poster presentations.