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Session 12: Hearts and minds

Track 1
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
11:50 AM - 12:30 PM
Tāwhirimātea C & E


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Jena Niquidet Western
Principal Advisor Streets For People
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi

Streets for People: working together to build a healthier future

11:50 AM - 12:00 PM

Abstract document

Final presentation


Jena Niquidet Western, Principal Advisor Streets for People. Passionate about people and place, Jena brings experience in advocacy and local government to the programme's development. She focuses on how to ease change, by providing relevant and practical support to local council teams. Prior roles including leading the delivery of Auckland’s Safe School Streets Programme, including 13 school trials and a school playstreet programme funded by Innovating Streets in 2020-2021. Jena’s particular expertise is in navigating the complex terrain between strategy and delivery. She credits her propensity for actioning vision to her a 14 years career in film production. She strives to affect change by bringing authenticity and vulnerability to our work within organisations and with local people. Originally from Canada, she now resides in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland.
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Mr Patrick Morgan
Project Manager
CAN - Cycling Action Network

Winning hearts and minds using digital media and better stories

12:00 PM - 12:10 PM

Abstract document

Final presentation


For twenty years at Cycling Action Network, Patrick has worked with members, supporters, decision makers and the wider community to make New Zealand better for cycling. We've had some wins (NZ Cycle Trails, Urban Cycleways Programme, Paneke Pōneke) but there are still too many headwinds. His job includes serving CAN's members, creating strategy, building relationships, leading campaigns, organising events, getting messages into social and traditional media, and building CAN's organisation.
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Mr Andrew Metge
Technical Director - Transport Planning
GHD Limited

Postcards from the future

12:10 PM - 12:20 PM

Abstract document

Final presentation


Andrew is an experienced transport planner and traffic engineer with over 15 years’ experience. He also co-leads GHD's Future Communities initiative, 'Strategy to Street.' The concept behind Strategy to Street is the recognition that our transport networks are complex, inter-twined systems that form the foundations for how people experience their communities. By embedding multi-modal network planning into broader infrastructure frameworks GHD’s Strategy to Street approach guides network aspirations by considering human needs first, to develop forward-looking, cohesive multi-modal network masterplans. Andrew's leadership in this initiative draws from his extensive experience in developing Network Operating Frameworks across Australia and New Zealand, refining collaborative methodologies that bridge strategic intent with operational planning decisions.
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Gerald Blunt
Principal Advisor Design Strategy
Wellington City Council

A vision for public realm - integration - place and movement

12:20 PM - 12:30 PM

Abstract document

Final presentation


Gerald has worked in various built environment roles over the last 35 years; as a residential developer, a registered architect, before working at Wellington City Council. New challenges took him into private practice and then working for 4 ½ years at Auckland Council. He relishes having returned to the Wellington context and being part of the team that is engaged with transformational change across the city.

Session Chair

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Tim Jones
Living Streets Aotearoa
